In just a few weeks, the shell of the house of the excavation from raised to the roof. The prefabricated wood panel elements for the ceiling and walls for the top floor can also be at the early onset of winter facilitate installation.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Homemade Computer Showcase
3 / 4 October in the Uferhallen in Berlin-Wedding

presented this weekend in the assembly Suedwestsonne

A trip worth it.

The Southwest sun can be found on the state of our project managers
"the co-workers." closer to the module Suedwestsonne information, see
Friday, October 30, 2009
Adult Transformer Pajamas
Long heard nothing more from us
Ich weiss ihr habt lang nichts mehr von uns gehört, aber wir waren ja nicht faul. Alles ist soweit verspachtelt, Bad und Gäste WC sind fertig gefliest!
Unten haben wir schonmal angefangen zu streichen!
Hausabnahme durch unseren Bauleiter ist auch erfolgt. Sind noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten zu erledigen. Nächsten Mittwoch werden diese erledigt!
Bin mal gespannt was mit der Aussenfassade passiert. Damit sind wir nämlich nicht einverstanden. Wenn die Sonne drauf scheint sieht man lauter " Dellen"
Mal sehen was die Verpu tzer sagen.
So nun auch ein paar Bilder
Ich weiss ihr habt lang nichts mehr von uns gehört, aber wir waren ja nicht faul. Alles ist soweit verspachtelt, Bad und Gäste WC sind fertig gefliest!
Unten haben wir schonmal angefangen zu streichen!
Hausabnahme durch unseren Bauleiter ist auch erfolgt. Sind noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten zu erledigen. Nächsten Mittwoch werden diese erledigt!
Bin mal gespannt was mit der Aussenfassade passiert. Damit sind wir nämlich nicht einverstanden. Wenn die Sonne drauf scheint sieht man lauter " Dellen"
Mal sehen was die Verpu tzer sagen.
So nun auch ein paar Bilder
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Congratulation Of Birth

Offenes Infotreffen für alle Interessenten an der Baugruppe Suedwestsonne

Näher Informationen:

Das Netzwerk Integriertes Wohnen
Verein für selbstbestimmtes Wohnen und Leben bis zuletzt tritt am 12. September der Baugruppe Suedwestsonne notariell bei und ist sehr dankbar für Ihre Unterstützung, um Seine Ziele zu erreichen:
www.niwo- Tuesday, September 22, 2009
How To Cover A Basketball Hoop For Wedding
heating and screed
Letzte Woche wurde unsere Heizung aufgestellt und die Fussbodenheizung ausgelegt.
Bin erstaunt wieviel Platz ich noch im HWR hab.
Gestern kam dann der Estrich. Jetzt heisst es erst mal ca 4 Tage abwarten bis wir wieder hin können.
Letzte Woche wurde unsere Heizung aufgestellt und die Fussbodenheizung ausgelegt.
Bin erstaunt wieviel Platz ich noch im HWR hab.
Gestern kam dann der Estrich. Jetzt heisst es erst mal ca 4 Tage abwarten bis wir wieder hin können.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Example Of Business P[lan On Poultry Business
The last 2 weeks
Die letzten 2 Wochen unseres Urlaubs gingen an den Innenausbau! Sind aber gut voran gekommen. Elektrik ist so gut wie fertig, Rigipsplatten EG fertig und im Dachgeschoss fehlen nur noch die Decken! Das passiert jetzt noch die Woche, dann wird der HWR schonmal dort wo die Heizung hinkommt verspachtelt und gestrichen.
Nächsten Montag hat sich der Heizungsinstallateur angemeldet.
Die letzten 2 Wochen unseres Urlaubs gingen an den Innenausbau! Sind aber gut voran gekommen. Elektrik ist so gut wie fertig, Rigipsplatten EG fertig und im Dachgeschoss fehlen nur noch die Decken! Das passiert jetzt noch die Woche, dann wird der HWR schonmal dort wo die Heizung hinkommt verspachtelt und gestrichen.
Nächsten Montag hat sich der Heizungsinstallateur angemeldet.
Friday, September 4, 2009
3 Year Old With Sores On Lips
How To Produce Natural Oestrogen

The topping out ceremony of the temple on 22.08.2009 was a complete success.
About 600 people have taken a great impression of the resulting temple. The varied and sophisticated evening program has emphasized the generally prevailing joy at the progress achieved yet.
Stages Of Lichen Sclerosus
Bodhicharya - Buddhist center for peace and understanding in Berlin-Friedrichshain: In 1.Augustwoche we are the roof over the top floor of the Buddhist temple close. On 22.08.2009 the topping is celebrated with a day of open doors. Celebrate with us! more information, please
Monday, August 24, 2009
Percent Women Brazillian
lot of work!
Die letzten 3 Tage haben wir schon viel geschafft!
Im EG (Küche, Wohn/esszimmer) Sind die Rigipsplatten an der Decke!
The DG is the 1.Dämmschicht and the film attached! Electric is on the ground as good as done!
have to be another 2 weeks of vacation until then, it has done, so tomorrow it's time to get up early!
Die letzten 3 Tage haben wir schon viel geschafft!
Im EG (Küche, Wohn/esszimmer) Sind die Rigipsplatten an der Decke!
The DG is the 1.Dämmschicht and the film attached! Electric is on the ground as good as done!
have to be another 2 weeks of vacation until then, it has done, so tomorrow it's time to get up early!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
My Stomach Keeps Making Noises In Bed
It is!
The last 3 days, a lot has happened:
Tuesday morning at 6:00 clock we came to the site, the construction group was already there, waiting for the crane! The good with ner-five minutes late then drove up shortly after the seventh Since our road is very close was not all that easy!
But despite initial difficulties, the first wall stood at 8! After that, everything ran like clockwork! About 2 hours later was the ground floor!
At noon came the attic turn! Of course, many viewers were
The men have the first Days all the work done and had earned her a beer after honest!
Wednesday was then covered the roof and mount the solar system and continued to work inside! Since it was really warm solangsam they have done to me because on the roof a bit sorry! Our One electric
has already started in the living room to draw lines, then it is also using the device of the outlets have noticed that the staircase is wrong! Instead left it starts to the right! But it fits! Must now look like the time goes on!
Today was then the chief engineer said there, or rather because of our representation is on vacation! He is
everything went through with us and make a note of everything. Also has times directly on the phone because of the stairs, must now wait times at which rumkommt! All in all, we are quite satisfied! Thanks again to the troop build! Have done great work!
The last 3 days, a lot has happened:
Tuesday morning at 6:00 clock we came to the site, the construction group was already there, waiting for the crane! The good with ner-five minutes late then drove up shortly after the seventh Since our road is very close was not all that easy!
But despite initial difficulties, the first wall stood at 8! After that, everything ran like clockwork! About 2 hours later was the ground floor!
At noon came the attic turn! Of course, many viewers were
The men have the first Days all the work done and had earned her a beer after honest!
Wednesday was then covered the roof and mount the solar system and continued to work inside! Since it was really warm solangsam they have done to me because on the roof a bit sorry! Our One electric
has already started in the living room to draw lines, then it is also using the device of the outlets have noticed that the staircase is wrong! Instead left it starts to the right! But it fits! Must now look like the time goes on!
Today was then the chief engineer said there, or rather because of our representation is on vacation! He is
everything went through with us and make a note of everything. Also has times directly on the phone because of the stairs, must now wait times at which rumkommt! All in all, we are quite satisfied! Thanks again to the troop build! Have done great work!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sahwn Smith Score Piano
Tomorrow is the day!
morning has finally come our house is situated!
weather does indeed supposed to remain a week so great!
Last week everything was laid for the house connections (academic tubes)! Plot was smoothed somewhat, pure form is so slow!
Only 1 night !!!!!!
morning has finally come our house is situated!
weather does indeed supposed to remain a week so great!
Last week everything was laid for the house connections (academic tubes)! Plot was smoothed somewhat, pure form is so slow!
Only 1 night !!!!!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Drivers Spot
So yesterday we received a message! Our house is
finally set up at 18:08! Are pretty excited!
Until then to do a few things!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Designer Gowns For Rent In Makati
house building is coming soon!
So yesterday we have met our supervisor Mr. G.! He has removed the bottom plate and was satisfied, then we of course!
Now, the house construction are no more obstacles! On Monday will also finally learn what day it is!
So yesterday we have met our supervisor Mr. G.! He has removed the bottom plate and was satisfied, then we of course!
Now, the house construction are no more obstacles! On Monday will also finally learn what day it is!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Aquaphor Baby Wash Eczema
bottom plate
The last 2 weeks, much has happened on the site, the foundation for the floor slab was completed yesterday and this was then finally completed! Partnerbau has done a good job! Thank you!
pictures to follow!
The last 2 weeks, much has happened on the site, the foundation for the floor slab was completed yesterday and this was then finally completed! Partnerbau has done a good job! Thank you!
pictures to follow!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Cervix Pentration Imgages
As slow motion comes into play with us!
weekend we have pushed the topsoil on site.
good that our father / father-in-itself in the civil engineering works, we can save a lot!
was dredged At 8:00 clock to 12 clock! Now we wait until Tuesday because the construction manager come from Partnerbau besrpricht and the next steps with us!
bottom plate is planned for the 30KW!
house up 34kW!
pictures follow!
weekend we have pushed the topsoil on site.
good that our father / father-in-itself in the civil engineering works, we can save a lot!
was dredged At 8:00 clock to 12 clock! Now we wait until Tuesday because the construction manager come from Partnerbau besrpricht and the next steps with us!
bottom plate is planned for the 30KW!
house up 34kW!
pictures follow!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Pokemon Crystal Java Under 1mb
building permit
Yesterday we finally got the written construction permit from the office! All through have a larger roof overhang (80 cm) and the eaves height is slightly higher than required in the development plan! Had in mind already ours! On Tuesday
is the Lord of the base plate for a first interview!
Then we can start!
Yesterday we finally got the written construction permit from the office! All through have a larger roof overhang (80 cm) and the eaves height is slightly higher than required in the development plan! Had in mind already ours! On Tuesday
is the Lord of the base plate for a first interview!
Then we can start!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wiring Diagram For Kawasaki 900 Jet Ski

After the sampling on Monday it was immediately after the pulse Brilon Kitchen Studio!
It must be a lot of exhibition they have there, but we were well advised. Since we were already with us prior to making an offer, we had some Vortstellung the price!
Mr. S. We designed a kitchen to us immediately also liked the price was right! Here are some pictures! Fronts are vanilla mat, base and work surface in nuclear plum!
How To Do A Full Sew In Weave With A Side Bang
going on Monday morning by 5 clock we went to Frankenberg! Punctually at 9 clock we were there and were greeted by our friendly relationship manager Mrs. G.!
you brought us to Ms. B.
First we went through the plans again. If everything fits. Then it went to the
choose, because we can build technology was not done as much to decide. At lunch time we made a delicious pause, where we invited finger house in a steak house! Very tasty! Then it went
more directly, as in all we made good progress. We now get a house with exterior color Terracotta Red, black clay tiles, white roof overhangs and white windows and front door! 've Also decided to direct the solar system, was previously being considered without.
say we need it has made us a lot of fun and we were also very good advice. Thanks again to Ms. B.!
going on Monday morning by 5 clock we went to Frankenberg! Punctually at 9 clock we were there and were greeted by our friendly relationship manager Mrs. G.!
you brought us to Ms. B.
First we went through the plans again. If everything fits. Then it went to the
choose, because we can build technology was not done as much to decide. At lunch time we made a delicious pause, where we invited finger house in a steak house! Very tasty! Then it went
more directly, as in all we made good progress. We now get a house with exterior color Terracotta Red, black clay tiles, white roof overhangs and white windows and front door! 've Also decided to direct the solar system, was previously being considered without.
say we need it has made us a lot of fun and we were also very good advice. Thanks again to Ms. B.!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Restart When Try Delete Files From Vuze
planning application there!!
Today was finally a thick envelope in the mail, have also been waiting on it! Planning application !!!!! Go after him
times carefully, but at first glance, everything is fine!
hope now that the building control department works quickly and makes us no problems!
Today was finally a thick envelope in the mail, have also been waiting on it! Planning application !!!!! Go after him
times carefully, but at first glance, everything is fine!
hope now that the building control department works quickly and makes us no problems!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Shorts Quotes For Signature
Today we learned the date for the sampling: 27.04! Thus, even in a week! On the same day we also go into the kitchen pulse Studio! Sorry, we do not have to stay because we need on the day prior to communion! So it probably means getting up very early! Looking forward to finally's next! Planning application documents are well on the road!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
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