Monday, December 27, 2010

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Filling and sanding is

We have now started in the attic with filling and sanding (use putty on the edges of the sheet-rock) and are thus also become almost finished. To this end we lift our construction still twice a day. The Bautrockner we have returned after 2 weeks to the landlord (a photo of the building dryer with 2 wheels you see above). In addition, we have turned the attic stairs. It was built by the carpentry, according to the plans properly. But we felt that as a security risk if the wooden stairs opened in the direction of the Hauptreppe is (and is between the end of the main staircase and the start of the roof hatch stairs just 30cm apart). If one as the wooden stairs from the attic and climb back down you're not careful, then one can easily fall down the main staircase. Thus, we have turned the loft staircase so that it is opened in the direction of the bedroom (ie a rotation of 180 degrees). Unfortunately we have found that when filling and sanding still building defects, such as cracks in a concrete wall in the attic and misplaced Sheetrock also DG. These shortcomings, we still need to complain to the supervisor.
Finally, the above series of photos you can see two photos of the current state of our bathroom (bath veiled mit grünen Rigpsplatten)
Dazu haben wir noch unsere Erdwärmepumpe fotographiert (die weiße Säule) und einen Verwandten in blauer Latzhose, der uns beim Schleifen der Wände (beim Abschleifen der getrockneten Spachtelmasse) geholfen hat. Die weißen Sprossen (die kleine Sprossewand) unter der Folie stellen unsere Handtuchheizung im Bad (im DG) da.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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So that leaves us only one choice but to wait. I have just phoned Mr T. from Frankenberg. Even if we meet in the next place the planning application, we will get right now FH still no fixed date control because we do not currently know how the weather influences the adjustment dates. Prior to February it will be possible in this regard do not make a precise statement. . (
This is for the "vacation planning" difficult, since we have to specify in the next few days fixed dates, the "holiday" 2011 will be with us a home holiday We've got some way to
Yesterday we've ever hard.! in front of our future Ground snow geschippt. It's funny that even though you are not yet registered with the Land Registry in this regard can be taken even in the duty. Especially as the strip of sand between asphalt and fence in our eyes has nothing to do with a walk. But let's not quibble about it. Finally, we were indeed already building preparations to carry on the plot (survey, soil report). Fortunately there was not sooooo much snow!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Beadboard In Bathroom

assembly Suedwestsonne, groundbreaking

Bodhicharya wurde als eines von 5 Pilotprojekten für das Forschungsprogramm "Immobilien- und wohnungswirtschaftliche Strategien und Potenziale zum Stadtklimawandel" ausgewählt:
BBSR-Programm zum Stadtklimawandel "Immoklima"

Bodhicharya wurde in einem bundesweiten Auswahlverfahren als eines von 5 Pilotprojekten ausgewählt die ein Jahr lang in einem Forschungsprogramm des BBSR [Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR)] zur Untersuchung immobilien- und wohnungswirtschaftliche Strategien und Potenziale zum Klimawandel wissenschaftlich begleitet werden.

Damit sehen wir unser Effort worthy to have in the past few years despite the most economical budget resource guide so gently as possible planned and built. Including some small but hopefully more effective measures with positive effects are again Mikoklima, such as the proposed roof of our temple, the unsealing and Begrüngung our farms, with Ökoecke and relocation of an endangered Pelzbienenart, but also structural measures, such as modern perlitegedämmte brick, Recycling of building materials [old brick :-)], modern laminated wood ceiling [renewable Raw materials, CO2-neutral] and for the heating of the temple provided heat recovery and solar system.

Even more, we hope, but through this program in exchange for the research assistants and other projects to learn how we can improve our positive contribution to the city climate change in the future. The first workshop will be held on 23/24. November. Bodhicharya is represented in the research program by the Office :

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since 10/11/2010!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Easy Chocolate Cookie

snow break at the Thomsen

currently prevails in our building, unfortunately, snow and Baupause. The continuation of the filling work had to be postponed because of the high snow volume. But we have already household electricity in our house (and a current monitor). The water supply in our house but not before January set 2011th
in our house since we have high humidity and it is there has become quite cold, we have heaters in the house at the time (small electric heaters) set up and run also 2 Bautrockner continuously to warm up the house and dried. The Luftfeuchttigkeit in our house is immense. We have already condensed water on our windows. For this reason, we have established now rented building dryer that will dry out the house for a period of 2 weeks. The heaters are turned off on 13.12.2010, as on this day to our first floor Time is put into operation.
Finally we lift our house right now every day at least 2 times (only airing) so that the moisture passes out of our house (and relieve the Bautrockner something).

Friday, November 26, 2010

Best Pokemon Fire Red Rom Hack

The floor inside is

has now been installed and the Estricht Fußbodenheitung. We have already started to filling. On one of the inverted images you see the large mound of earth behind the house, which must be removed.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Our staircase is there

Last week was gelled our staircase and directly mounted, finally we can all run up and down without problems. In mid-January we'll get on it then the final stages. Now we need only consider what color we would paint the railings.

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house connections

After the floor was in, the plumber came back into the house. They have everything prepared for the connections. We had to again order the scaffolders, otherwise the connection could not be done because the stands were standing right in front of our laundry room, but no problem, they have the abgeflext simple.
The civil engineering company came to excavate almost on time. The connection for water have connected directly, yippee water flow. Telekom came the next day, gas for happiness even in the week. Current was, unfortunately, a bit more complicated because the gas and telecommunications have tricked wrong. But we have been lucky because now we had all the connections in the house. For 1.5 weeks we have run on the floor, so that the surface beautifully dry. In addition, we bought two building dryers, so we get all the moisture out quickly.
Our cancellation of the rented apartment we have already given, that is, in January we move into our home. I'm always impatient and am very happy. It gets closer and closer.

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You might think it was nothing happened

Lange her, als ich den letzten Post geschrieben habe. Das liegt aber nicht daran, dass nach dem Fenstern nichts mehr passiert ist. Ganz im Gegenteil wir geben Vollgas, endlich geht es Schritt für Schritt zum Ziel. Nachdem die Fenster eingebaut waren, kam direkt der Klempner ins Haus und hat die Rohinstallation in 3 Tagen fertig gemacht.
Thomas konnte auch richtig Gas geben, er musste ja auch schnell alle Leitungen für die Elektrik einbauen, da fing der zeitliche Stress an. Thomas ist seitdem jeden Tag am Bau. Der Trockenbauer hat auch nicht lange auf sich warten lassen.
In der Zwischenzeit wurde auch mit dem Außenputz begonnen.
Als alles fertig war kam der Innenputz, da waren wir sehr froh, dass wir einen Gipsputz haben, dann brauchen wir nicht alles tapezieren, können dann sehr viel streichen.
Die Firma m.s (Klempner) hat im Anschluss die Fußbodenheizung verlegt und das wir die PE Rohren nicht kaputt trampeln, kam sofort am nächsten Tag der Estrich drauf.
Auf diesen Tag habe ich gewartet, da ich endlich mal ein schönes entspanntes Wochenende mit der ganzen Familie machen wollte, aber leider wurde es nichts daraus, da wir den Estrich schon nach 12 Stunden wieder begehen konnten, da ein Zusatz rein gemischt worden ist. Auf einer art waren wir froh, aber das mit dem entspannten Wochenende hat sich erlegt gehabt. Na ja Hauptsache das Haus is proceeding apace.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Music Cartoon Squirrel

Now our house has wind resistant.


utility room>>>

Games Room>>>

WC (r with a small window)>>>

lobby / hallway gr>>>




view kl. Plank in DG + entry into loft



Kinder Zimmer





After the rooms of our house were plastered and were installed in our attic plasterboard to the roof slopes, it has recently adopted the wind-resistance test with "good" (the blower door test). So now our house is windproof. In the loft we have already laid rugs on the wooden floor dortign. At 15:11:10 are already the bathtub and the shower tray installed. We are in our house 2 showers (no shower tray) and have a bath.

In the attic we have solid concrete walls, which have now been rendered recently.

Ah yes, the house connections (water and power lines) were obtained from the public utilities already installed and we can then move from one Erdbauunternehmen also waste water and rain water pipes. Our house has electricity and drinking water that is already complete and is connected to the sewer system.

Finally, we have in our house has a telephone connection from Deutsche Telekom, even though we are actually customers of cable Germany. Thus we have in our utility room connections for Telephone, TV and Internet cable and D. Telekom. We will use only the connections of cable Germany.

PS: the openings in the walls serve to develop and ventilation system in our house.