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Live, work, play, work, dancing, life
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Real Toy Hidden Blade
Am vergangenen Samstag haben wir uns an den Abriss der vorhandenen Laube auf dem Grundstück gemacht. Es ist ganz schön müßig. Vor allem das Dach hat es in sich ... oder besser "auf sich". Teilweise müssen wir uns durch bis zu 9 Lagen Dachpappe (inkl. 2 Lagen Schweißbahnen) kämpfen! Dabei kommen wir recht langsam voran. Unten herum sind jetzt teilweise schon die Asbestplatten abgenommen und die vielen Fenster ausgebaut. Auch das ist recht zeitaufwändig, da alles verschraubt ist und wir versuchen müssen die Platten unbeschädigt abzunehmen. Das kommt uns beim Entsorgen wesentlich preiswerter als wenn wir nur Bruchstücke bei der Deponie anliefern, da sonst alles erst gewogen werden muss. Die Platten selbst sind verschraubt und the screw heads, of course, pasted with Fasadenfarbe. The plate edges are covered with screw cover strips again.
On Friday arrived, my parents came from Thuringia. To navigate making the night camp for them, we realized that in our current rented flat due to errors in the modernization (in the fall of new windows were installed, the façade but insulated only now in April) are extremely strong growth of mold in the living room and the bedroom to the outer walls is formed. Thus, we will again tomorrow afternoon at the Tenants' Association make representations.
There are always several sites with us. It can never be boring.
Am vergangenen Samstag haben wir uns an den Abriss der vorhandenen Laube auf dem Grundstück gemacht. Es ist ganz schön müßig. Vor allem das Dach hat es in sich ... oder besser "auf sich". Teilweise müssen wir uns durch bis zu 9 Lagen Dachpappe (inkl. 2 Lagen Schweißbahnen) kämpfen! Dabei kommen wir recht langsam voran. Unten herum sind jetzt teilweise schon die Asbestplatten abgenommen und die vielen Fenster ausgebaut. Auch das ist recht zeitaufwändig, da alles verschraubt ist und wir versuchen müssen die Platten unbeschädigt abzunehmen. Das kommt uns beim Entsorgen wesentlich preiswerter als wenn wir nur Bruchstücke bei der Deponie anliefern, da sonst alles erst gewogen werden muss. Die Platten selbst sind verschraubt und the screw heads, of course, pasted with Fasadenfarbe. The plate edges are covered with screw cover strips again.
On Friday arrived, my parents came from Thuringia. To navigate making the night camp for them, we realized that in our current rented flat due to errors in the modernization (in the fall of new windows were installed, the façade but insulated only now in April) are extremely strong growth of mold in the living room and the bedroom to the outer walls is formed. Thus, we will again tomorrow afternoon at the Tenants' Association make representations.
There are always several sites with us. It can never be boring.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Snowboard Pants For Petite Women
potable water
2 weeks ago we sent our water supplier an application for relocation of household water connection. Yesterday we got a letter. It said that of the existing port in recent years no water has been tapped and that, therefore, is to assume a contamination of the connector. To prevent back flow of bacteria into the public supply system must be purged and sampled our connection. Moreover the water meter to be changed. This action will cost 85 euros. We do not understand why you now wish to change the water meter (located in a water intake basin on the property) although later the water intake basin to be decommissioned and the water meter in the basement to be installed.
I'm going to call them and inquire about the meaning of this action.
2 weeks ago we sent our water supplier an application for relocation of household water connection. Yesterday we got a letter. It said that of the existing port in recent years no water has been tapped and that, therefore, is to assume a contamination of the connector. To prevent back flow of bacteria into the public supply system must be purged and sampled our connection. Moreover the water meter to be changed. This action will cost 85 euros. We do not understand why you now wish to change the water meter (located in a water intake basin on the property) although later the water intake basin to be decommissioned and the water meter in the basement to be installed.
I'm going to call them and inquire about the meaning of this action.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Denise Millani Bra Size
Again tree protection / demolition existing building
Yesterday we got a letter from the Tree Protection Officer. It was his opinion for the proposed tree felling. 3 of the trees being felled are "departures" and may be made without replacement planting. For 3 more trees we have to substitute plant on our property. These three trees have a value of about 1900 € and should, for example by planting of two pine forest, a bird cherry, a wood apple and some wild rose bushes be replaced. The newly planted trees are to approximately 2-2.5 m in size, and a trunk circumference of at least 15 cm have. By the end of April, we shall provide a open space plan, in which we must enter the new plantations with details of type and location. should then be planted by the end of October this year. We will definitely not create, as we will be stuck at the moment right in the interior of our house. The tree felling, we may perform only once the planning application was approved.
do in the next week we are currently on the property remaining buildings (gazebo and small Abstellhütte) tear. Thus, we have then room for the tree felling. Let us hope that the approval of our building application is not delayed too long. There were two additional claims made by our architect, Mr. B., has already filed later. It was a chart of vervorgeht that sufficient water for fighting with us in case, would be available. The statics can be submitted only shortly before construction begins, as finger-house this final only after the samples can be calculated.
Yesterday we got a letter from the Tree Protection Officer. It was his opinion for the proposed tree felling. 3 of the trees being felled are "departures" and may be made without replacement planting. For 3 more trees we have to substitute plant on our property. These three trees have a value of about 1900 € and should, for example by planting of two pine forest, a bird cherry, a wood apple and some wild rose bushes be replaced. The newly planted trees are to approximately 2-2.5 m in size, and a trunk circumference of at least 15 cm have. By the end of April, we shall provide a open space plan, in which we must enter the new plantations with details of type and location. should then be planted by the end of October this year. We will definitely not create, as we will be stuck at the moment right in the interior of our house. The tree felling, we may perform only once the planning application was approved.
do in the next week we are currently on the property remaining buildings (gazebo and small Abstellhütte) tear. Thus, we have then room for the tree felling. Let us hope that the approval of our building application is not delayed too long. There were two additional claims made by our architect, Mr. B., has already filed later. It was a chart of vervorgeht that sufficient water for fighting with us in case, would be available. The statics can be submitted only shortly before construction begins, as finger-house this final only after the samples can be calculated.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I Ate My Dogs Rimadyl Tablet
tree protection, recall the architect
Yesterday we had an appointment with the local tree protection officer on our property. It went better than expected. 3 trees should be immediately taken without replacement planting, as they are damaged and thus represent an acute danger to the house would. A pine 1.47 m girth (over 100 years old) ist durch Pilzbefall und Trockenholz in der Baumkrone vom Wert um 40% gemindert. Eine andere Kiefer wurde mit 50% Wertminderung eingestuft. Insgesamt müssen 6 große Bäume gefällt werden. Auf das Gutachten warten wir nun um zu erfahren, in welchem Umfang wir für Ersatz auf unserem Grundstück zu sorgen haben. Als Ersatzpflanzungen eignen sich nur ortstypische Gehölze (Kiefer, Buche, Eiche, Ulme, Haselnuss, Wildrose usw.). Fichten und Tannen darf man zwar pflanzen, diese werden aber nicht in die Ersatzpflanzung mit eingerechnet.
Beim virtuellen schieben von Möbeln in unserem geplanten Haus ist uns gestern aufgefallen, daß unsere Küche vom Architekten in beide Richtungen um etwa 20cm geschrumpft wurde und somit die existing kitchen could not be completely built. A call to our ever-friendly architects, Mr. B., has revealed that he will redraw again. Just as in the living room with the wall before the winter garden, a piece in the access to WiGa protrudes and structural reasons is mandatory. These can extend the short term we cm to about 20 minutes. Thus, we can put a piano in front of this wall and the back of the instrument is covered completely by the wall. This change is fortunately still easily possible.
Then yesterday the order confirmation for our concrete garages come. Here we must not forget the time the manufacturer Date of release where the garages are to be delivered. Since we do not have an exact date for restoring the house, even an exact delivery date for the garages can be planned.
Yesterday we had an appointment with the local tree protection officer on our property. It went better than expected. 3 trees should be immediately taken without replacement planting, as they are damaged and thus represent an acute danger to the house would. A pine 1.47 m girth (over 100 years old) ist durch Pilzbefall und Trockenholz in der Baumkrone vom Wert um 40% gemindert. Eine andere Kiefer wurde mit 50% Wertminderung eingestuft. Insgesamt müssen 6 große Bäume gefällt werden. Auf das Gutachten warten wir nun um zu erfahren, in welchem Umfang wir für Ersatz auf unserem Grundstück zu sorgen haben. Als Ersatzpflanzungen eignen sich nur ortstypische Gehölze (Kiefer, Buche, Eiche, Ulme, Haselnuss, Wildrose usw.). Fichten und Tannen darf man zwar pflanzen, diese werden aber nicht in die Ersatzpflanzung mit eingerechnet.
Beim virtuellen schieben von Möbeln in unserem geplanten Haus ist uns gestern aufgefallen, daß unsere Küche vom Architekten in beide Richtungen um etwa 20cm geschrumpft wurde und somit die existing kitchen could not be completely built. A call to our ever-friendly architects, Mr. B., has revealed that he will redraw again. Just as in the living room with the wall before the winter garden, a piece in the access to WiGa protrudes and structural reasons is mandatory. These can extend the short term we cm to about 20 minutes. Thus, we can put a piano in front of this wall and the back of the instrument is covered completely by the wall. This change is fortunately still easily possible.
Then yesterday the order confirmation for our concrete garages come. Here we must not forget the time the manufacturer Date of release where the garages are to be delivered. Since we do not have an exact date for restoring the house, even an exact delivery date for the garages can be planned.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Cervix High Six Days Before Period
application documents arrived
Last week arrived finite our planning application documents to us. At the weekend we then signed a total of 100 times (3 times in planning application execution model for FH + 1). The plans go this week to lower building authority after King Wusterhausen. Next Wednesday I have
with the tree experts from Wildau an appointment on the spot. There will then determine which trees should be like and what we in compensation for it to have to provide. And we are very excited.
Today I phoned again with our architect to find out if the Baubeantragung not yet filed with the static, since we have before us in this regard nor any documentary evidence. He informed me that regardless of Applied Sciences in Brandenburg A test must be consulted and that the Baubeantragung have to be available no static calculations. These must be available until just before construction begins.
Last week arrived finite our planning application documents to us. At the weekend we then signed a total of 100 times (3 times in planning application execution model for FH + 1). The plans go this week to lower building authority after King Wusterhausen. Next Wednesday I have
with the tree experts from Wildau an appointment on the spot. There will then determine which trees should be like and what we in compensation for it to have to provide. And we are very excited.
Today I phoned again with our architect to find out if the Baubeantragung not yet filed with the static, since we have before us in this regard nor any documentary evidence. He informed me that regardless of Applied Sciences in Brandenburg A test must be consulted and that the Baubeantragung have to be available no static calculations. These must be available until just before construction begins.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Protien Expire Liquid
eyes off the road on our property
Die Kiefern sind über 100 Jahre alt und sehen fast wie Mammutbäume aus
Das ist kein Klohäuschen! ;-)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Pointe Shoes For Feet With Bunion
Baumfällantrag / planning application
Nach einem Anruf beim Baumschutzbeauftragten haben wir erfahren, dass wir zeitlich nicht an den 15. März gebunden sind, da Bauvorhaben in diesem Falle eine höhere Priorität haben als der Vogelschutz. Er teilte uns mit, dass wir zwar die entsprechenden Baumfällgenehmigungen innerhalb kürzerer Zeit bekommen können, mit dem Fällen but eh may begin only after approval of our planning application.
From our architects, we know that he has prepared the planning application and has forwarded to finger house. Therefore, this would actually arrive in the next few days for us to get him to then pass to the lower building office in the county town. Can then known to pass again up to 2 months for approval.
certain is that, if the weather cooperates, early March will tear on the property located arbor and thus create freedom in the land for felling trees do. There are 100 year old pine trees must be felled 5-6. Thus, our first firewood is saved!
Nach einem Anruf beim Baumschutzbeauftragten haben wir erfahren, dass wir zeitlich nicht an den 15. März gebunden sind, da Bauvorhaben in diesem Falle eine höhere Priorität haben als der Vogelschutz. Er teilte uns mit, dass wir zwar die entsprechenden Baumfällgenehmigungen innerhalb kürzerer Zeit bekommen können, mit dem Fällen but eh may begin only after approval of our planning application.
From our architects, we know that he has prepared the planning application and has forwarded to finger house. Therefore, this would actually arrive in the next few days for us to get him to then pass to the lower building office in the county town. Can then known to pass again up to 2 months for approval.
certain is that, if the weather cooperates, early March will tear on the property located arbor and thus create freedom in the land for felling trees do. There are 100 year old pine trees must be felled 5-6. Thus, our first firewood is saved!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
arrived of deductions from Frankenberg
time for the weekend, then the preliminary features of finger directly at home by mail us. To change it is really only a few tiny little things (name of the second flight path at the wrong window shown).
on Saturday was then also the first Mehr-/Minderkostenrechnung. This relates mainly to change in the windows. The original VIO211 has not even covered porch and the light band near the front door away from us. There is an additional fixed glazed windows on the stairs next to the door, a roof window in the stairwell, an additional window in the guest room and an additional window 2m breit im Wohnzimmer. Im WiGa fällt eine Tür weg.
Einige Kleinigkeiten müssen wir noch klären.
Gestern haben wir die unterzeichneten Pläne an Fingerhaus zurückgeschickt. Jetzt kann sich der Architekt über die Erstellung des Bauantrages machen. Hinzu kommt bei uns noch die Beantragung der Baumfällgenehmigung. Die Bäume müssen bis 15. März gefällt werden, da es sonst aus Vogelschutzgründen schwierig wird. Wir sind schon gespannt was uns als Ersatzpflanzung aufgebrummt wird, da ein paar sehr große Kiefern fallen müssen.
In den nächsten 4 Wochen werden wir uns dann auch um den Abriss der vorhandenen Gartenlaube kümmern.
Es geht jetzt also Schlag auf Schlag.
time for the weekend, then the preliminary features of finger directly at home by mail us. To change it is really only a few tiny little things (name of the second flight path at the wrong window shown).
on Saturday was then also the first Mehr-/Minderkostenrechnung. This relates mainly to change in the windows. The original VIO211 has not even covered porch and the light band near the front door away from us. There is an additional fixed glazed windows on the stairs next to the door, a roof window in the stairwell, an additional window in the guest room and an additional window 2m breit im Wohnzimmer. Im WiGa fällt eine Tür weg.
Einige Kleinigkeiten müssen wir noch klären.
Gestern haben wir die unterzeichneten Pläne an Fingerhaus zurückgeschickt. Jetzt kann sich der Architekt über die Erstellung des Bauantrages machen. Hinzu kommt bei uns noch die Beantragung der Baumfällgenehmigung. Die Bäume müssen bis 15. März gefällt werden, da es sonst aus Vogelschutzgründen schwierig wird. Wir sind schon gespannt was uns als Ersatzpflanzung aufgebrummt wird, da ein paar sehr große Kiefern fallen müssen.
In den nächsten 4 Wochen werden wir uns dann auch um den Abriss der vorhandenen Gartenlaube kümmern.
Es geht jetzt also Schlag auf Schlag.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Nadine Jansen Surgery
preliminary moves by the architect get
are now at last the long-awaited preliminary moves by the architect come. The evening was filled out at us from studying these plans. Of course, we have found some things which were not planned as original or just questions about so many abbreviations. Today I will try during the day with Mr. B., to call our architect to clarify all this.
are now at last the long-awaited preliminary moves by the architect come. The evening was filled out at us from studying these plans. Of course, we have found some things which were not planned as original or just questions about so many abbreviations. Today I will try during the day with Mr. B., to call our architect to clarify all this.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Free Watch Brent Corrigan Movie
finally land paid
before yesterday, we finally received a letter from the notary, who says that finally, all traffic lights to green and we pay our property "may". So now the priority notice is registered in the Land Register.
Otherwise there are no more News. We are still waiting for the preliminary moves by the architect. He is now a month late. Originally, he wanted the planning application before Christmas outside.
At FH, we have again called for a mandatory adjustment date, as my wife has to plan their annual leave. Currently we are still clocked in mid-September. Exactly one could say we unfortunately still do not know because you do not know what the winter of this year, so everything has in store.
before yesterday, we finally received a letter from the notary, who says that finally, all traffic lights to green and we pay our property "may". So now the priority notice is registered in the Land Register.
Otherwise there are no more News. We are still waiting for the preliminary moves by the architect. He is now a month late. Originally, he wanted the planning application before Christmas outside.
At FH, we have again called for a mandatory adjustment date, as my wife has to plan their annual leave. Currently we are still clocked in mid-September. Exactly one could say we unfortunately still do not know because you do not know what the winter of this year, so everything has in store.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Good Songs To Play Games With
learned wrong profession!
Yesterday we had a date with our notary to arrange a mortgage as security for the bank. We had to once again find that we have somehow learned the wrong profession. Notary or broker should be! Over 700 € only for such action yesterday! * * Kopfschüttel
We will probably have another 150 € for a notarial confirmation of this order must be paid as the registration of the mortgage and the subsequent response be delayed up to 4 months.
The accounts of the priority notice in the land we have already paid for a few weeks ago but the feedback from the Land Registry Office to the notary public is still not available, so that we had still not covering the purchase price of the land pay. Now we wait
still on the preliminary moves by the architect. Let's see when we get the be.
Yesterday we had a date with our notary to arrange a mortgage as security for the bank. We had to once again find that we have somehow learned the wrong profession. Notary or broker should be! Over 700 € only for such action yesterday! * * Kopfschüttel
We will probably have another 150 € for a notarial confirmation of this order must be paid as the registration of the mortgage and the subsequent response be delayed up to 4 months.
The accounts of the priority notice in the land we have already paid for a few weeks ago but the feedback from the Land Registry Office to the notary public is still not available, so that we had still not covering the purchase price of the land pay. Now we wait
still on the preliminary moves by the architect. Let's see when we get the be.
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